Foster Bio Form
Showcasing your Foster Cat
One of our most important roles as fosters is showcasing your kitties for adoption. We need your help to do this and ask all fosters to capture photos and to submit a brief personality summary within 10-14 days of taking your new foster cat or kitten into care.
Bios can be delayed if cats are extremely feral or have serious on-going medical concerns that require investigation. Please contact your foster coordinator, if you’re not sure.
Typically kittens will be listed at 5 weeks of age with updated pictures submitted every 2-3 weeks until adopted.
Please fill out this form to the best of your abilities.
Writing a complete and informative/interesting bio is a great way you can help your foster find their forever home. Don’t worry, we can help but the more info you can give us, the better!
Please submit 3 or more photos for their profile on our adoption pages.