Our programs.
Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM)
What is TNR?
Trap-neuter-return is a program in which outdoor (feral) cats are humanely trapped, spayed or neutered, vaccinated, identified and returned to the location where they were found or relocated to a new colony. Colony caretakers provide food, water and shelter as necessary.
Looking for help with a TNR? Contact us today!
Foster Program.
SOS Prairie Rescue does not have a shelter facility – all SOS cats waiting for adoption are in foster homes. We rely on volunteer foster homes – one of our most critical needs. The number of cats we can help is closely linked to how many foster homes are available. Foster homes provide a warm, safe, healthy, loving, environment for the foster animal. A foster parent provides good quality food, fresh water, clean litter, socialization, and lots of love. Foster pet parents prepare the animal for life in a “real” home. Some of our rescued kitties have never had that experience. You will know how rewarding it is when you watch a new owner shower your foster pet with kisses and love, and know that you had a hand in saving the life of an animal.

Beat-the-Heat: A Spay-it-Forward Initiative.
Low income spay and neuter services.
Barn Cat Program.
Sometimes SOS rescues cats that, for various reasons, cannot live as indoor companion pets. These cats become part of our Barn Cat Program and are in desperate need of a home on a farm, horse stable, warehouse, or other suitable outdoor location. Cats in our program have no other options. This program offers them a chance at a safe life that is best for them.
All cats will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, treated for ear mites, and FIV/FeLV tested before being re-homed.
ADOPTION FEE: By donation. Minimum donation of $25 per cat.
shelter in a shop, barn, or other suitable building that is either heated or has a heat source such as a heat lamp
daily food and water for the cat(s)
veterinary care for the cat(s) if needed
Agreement and space to keep cats confined for a minimum 2-4 weeks in order to develop a bond with their new home.