Our Policies
General Policies
Animals shall be handled in a humane manner at all times. They shall not be subjected to physical force other than as may be required in restraining the animal for safety of humans and/or animals.
Always, when possible, animals shall be separated as follows:
Kittens from dogs unless dogs are known to be okay with young kittens;
Aggressive animals from others;
Nursing mothers and their litters from other animals;
Sick or ill animals from all others.
Unsocialized/fearful animals from all others.
Animals under quarantine for dangerous and/or zoonotic disease must be kept separate, without contact, from all other animals. Proper hand washing is mandatory.
Persons in charge of caring for housed animals shall see that all food and watering containers are kept clean, food is available at all times to kittens under six (6) months of age and that fresh water is available to every animal at all times. Kittens under eight (8) weeks shall be provided with soft food. All animals shall be fed the proper amount for their age, size and breed.
No person shall allow an animal to come into contact with chemicals, cleaning agents, or other potentially toxic or dangerous substance.
When a sick or injured animal is picked up, every precaution will be taken when moving or transporting the animal not to compound its condition. A veterinarian or volunteer may need to check over any sick or injured animals.
No one shall reveal personal or other sensitive information to any unauthorized person.
Cleaning Policy
-Place soiled blankets in a laundry basket and place all toys by the sink to be washed and disinfected, if applicable.
-Rid the kennel of all solid waste, such as feces, clumps of hair, and dry food and place the waste in a lined trash can.
-Thoroughly spray the entire kennel with plain water.
-Thoroughly spray the entire kennel with the disinfectant. The disinfectant must remain on all surfaces for 10-15 minutes.
-Scrub the kennel after the disinfectant has sat a minimum of 10 minutes.
-Thoroughly rinse the entire kennel with water to remove any remaining disinfectant.
-Dry as much as possible before contact with any animal.
-Empty used litter into a garbage bag and properly dispose of it.
-Thoroughly spray the litter box with plain water.
-Thoroughly spray the litter box with the disinfectant. The disinfectant must remain on all surfaces for 10-15 minutes.
-Scrub the litter box after the disinfectant has set a minimum of 10 minutes.
-Thoroughly rinse the litter box with water to remove any remaining disinfectant.
-Dry as much as possible before contact with clean litter or any animal.
-Discard any food or water in the dishes.
-Wash thoroughly with soapy water.
-Thoroughly spray with disinfectant. The disinfectant must remain on the surfaces for 10-15 minutes.
-Thoroughly rinse the litter box with water to remove any remaining disinfectant.
-Wash all hard surfaces (floors, walls, baseboards, shelves, etc.) thoroughly with soapy water.
-Thoroughly spray all hard surfaces with disinfectant. The disinfectant must remain on the surfaces for 10-15 minutes.
-Thoroughly rinse all hard surfaces with water to remove any remaining disinfectant.
-Wash all hard surfaced items thoroughly with soapy water.
-Thoroughly spray all hard surfaced items with disinfectant. The disinfectant must remain on the surfaces for 10-15 minutes.
-Thoroughly rinse all hard surfaced items with water to remove any remaining disinfectant.
-All soft items must be laundered and thoroughly dried before reuse.
Not only does a thorough and effective cleaning of the foster home prevent the spread of communicable diseases, but it creates a better environment for animals and visitors. Animals enter SOS from different locations with unknown medical histories and varied past exposure to disease. Cleaning cat kennels, litter boxes and accessories correctly ensures less spread of diseases.
All new animals will be quarantined for ten (10) days. Any cats that came from the same location can be quarantined together. At the end of the ten days, the cat can be introduced to other animals.
Hand sanitizer/proper handwashing must be done before and after any contact with quarantined animals to avoid infecting other animals.
Proper cleaning and sanitizing must be followed post quarantine of the quarantine room, any equipment and any accessories used.
Any equipment or tools used in quarantine areas must be dedicated for use only within this area and must be cleaned on a regular basis and at the end of the quarantine period following the cleaning policy.
Any clothing and footwear that has come into contact with a high-risk animal or was worn when cleaning a quarantine area must be cleaned and disinfected after use to minimize the possibility of disease transmission to other animals.
Quarantine Policy
Any and all monetary or items exchanged for monetary value must be entered into the books of SOS in keeping a sound bookkeeping procedure.
Signing authority will be one of three signatures, consisting of the Chantel Bierwagen, Gena Messenger and Tara Krisjansson.
Only the SOS Treasurer will have authority to issue receipts.
Purchases over $100 must be approved by the Treasurer. Any purchases over $500 must be approved by the Board with exceptions to supplies needed to care for rescues (litter, food, etc.)
Financial Policy
SOS Prairie Rescue respects the privacy of all of our constituents (donors, volunteers, employees, and other stakeholders) and has developed a Privacy Policy based on the Canadian Standards Association model.
The federal PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Personal Electronic Documents Act) – which is also based on the Canadian Standards Association model- applies to the rescue only in relation to where it is involved in “commercial activities”. The rescue is only deemed to be involved in commercial activities if it trades, rents or sells personal information (such as donor lists). The rescue does not trade, rent or sell personal information.
The rescue is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its constituents (donors, volunteers, employees, and other stakeholders). The rescue has taken the necessary actions to ensure that information in any format (paper or electronic) is protected so that the relationship of trust between the constituent and the rescue is upheld.
“Personal information” for this purpose is defined as being any information that can be used to distinguish, identify, or contact a specific individual. Business contact information and certain publicly available information (such as names, addresses and telephone numbers as published in telephone directories- including online public databases) are not considered personal information.
The SOS Prairie Rescue Privacy Policy serves to outline the rules for the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information. The Policy is based on ten (10) internationally recognized privacy principles as outlined in the Canadian Standards Association Model Code (“CSMAMC”) for the Protection of Personal Information.
Privacy Policy
The rescue has a Privacy Officer who is accountable for the rescue’s overall compliance with its Privacy Policy and acts as the primary contact person on information privacy and security matters. The Privacy Officer reports to the CEO of the rescue and can be contacted as follows: sosprairierescue@gmail.com
When the rescue collects personal information directly from its constituents, the Foundation will identify the purposes for which personal information is collected at or before the time of collection. These purposes include: donor, employee or volunteer recruitment and engagement; that which is necessary for the administration of the interests of a donor, employee or volunteer; and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
The knowledge and consent of a person is required for the direct collection, use or disclosure of personal information except where mandated by law.
This consent may be either express or implied. Express consent can be given orally, electronically or in writing. Implied consent is consent that can reasonably be inferred from an individual’s action or inaction.
At any time, an individual may opt out of receiving communications (printed and/or electronic) from our rescue. To opt out the individual must contact the rescue. The rescue can be reached by telephone at (306) 306-380-4429, or by email at info@sosprairierescue.org
The rescue will limit the collection of personal information to that which is necessary for the purposes identified. Information will be collected by fair and lawful means. The rescue does not collect any personal health information, other than that which is volunteered directly by the constituent to the Rescue.
Personal information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the person or as required by law. Personal information will be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes. The rescue does not trade, rent or sell any personal information to third parties.
The rescue web page contains online forms that allow visitors to make a donation. The personal and credit card information provided on these forms is used only to process these donations (although the donor name and address will be retained in our database). Online donations to the Rescue are processed through a third party, Moneris Solutions. Information about their privacy policy can be obtained on their website at http://www.moneris.com.
The rescue ensures personal information is accurate, complete and as up-to-date as necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. We encourage individuals to review, correct and update personal information previously provided to the Foundation, by contacting us at
Donors who request that their name and/or amount of the gift not be publicly released shall remain anonymous.
Personal information is protected with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. All rescue employees, volunteers, and directors must sign a Confidentiality Agreement. In addition, all independent contractors, or vendors that have a working relationship with the Foundation’s proprietary database, must sign a Confidentiality Agreement.
The Rescue’s Privacy Policy is available to view on its web site at http://www.sosprairierescue.org. A print version of the rescue’s Privacy Policy can be requested.
Upon request, a person will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of personal information of the person and shall be given access to that information. A person can challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.
Euthanasia Policy
Euthanasia is defined as the act of inducing humane (rapid and painless) death.
Animals who are seriously sick or injured to such a degree that it would be inhumane to prolong its suffering or if a veterinarian advises that the animal should be euthanized, shall be euthanized. In all such instances, facts concerning the animal's physical condition shall be documented in writing. All euthanasia will be performed by a veterinary.