Meet Rain.

Sex: Female
Breed: Domestic Short-hair
Color: Tabby on white
Good with cats: Yes
Good with dogs: Yes
Good with kids:
Location: Yorkton

Hi! My name is Rain like the painted horse in stallion of the cimarron. I'm a piebald tabby with bright green eyes and a heart on my hip.

I'm very independant, outgoing, and active, I get into literally everything, I love new things, treats, and boxes. I can promise you, if you take me home your life will always be full of adventure and love!

I get along with other cats and dogs, I'll even let little puppies sleep on me and tug on my tail. I was born in a kill shelter and was left behind when my mom and siblings all found families. I've been looking for my forever for almost a year! Could you be the one?

P.S. if you take me could you please, please also take my adopted brother, Tip? Tip was rescued from the kill shelter with me, he is the Ying to my Yang. We are very close and he needs me!



